TAMU ELPE Test Center Rules
Candidates are required to be professional, civil and respectful at all times during the test administration. All exams are continuously monitored by video and audio recording during the entire exam. The Test Center Administrator (TCA) is authorized to dismiss you from the test session for a violation of any of the Test Center Regulations, including exhibiting abusive behavior towards the TCAs or other candidates. If you are found to have violated any of the regulations during your exam, the TCA is required to notify Student Academic Affairs.
NO scheduled/unscheduled breaks allowed nor eating/drinking during the exam.
REQUIRED to have ZOOM downloaded on computer or laptop.
** You will need to dress like you are taking the test in-person or in a classroom setting.
Student rule 37 grants faculty and staff the authority to maintain responsible standards of student dress and grooming within the classroom. Test proctors can and will cancel your exam if you are not appropriately dressed. **
______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________CONFIDENTIALITY OF EXAM CONTENT/SYSTEMS
- The computer-based test delivery system, exam content are the unpublished, confidential, and proprietary materials of the TAMU Test Center.
- Communicating, publishing, reproducing, or transmitting any part of an exam, in any form or by any means (e.g. verbal, electronic, written, etc.) for any purpose is strictly prohibited.
- ANY reproduction or disclosure will result in immediate filing of civil and/or criminal charges against you and anyone directing or conspiring with you.
Check-In Procedures
- Original, valid (unexpired), government issued photo & signature bearing identification or current student ID is required in order to take an exam. Validity and the number of acceptable IDs are predetermined by the Test Center and will be checked by the proctors.
NO scheduled/unscheduled breaks allowed nor eating/drinking during the exam.
REQUIRED to have ZOOM downloaded on computer or laptop.